Aw, and I was worried that the kids wouldn't like my pumpkin bread! :) I think that is her fourth and fifth piece!!
Here are some more cuties eating my pumpkin bread. Now, no one has to know it really came from Betty Crocker originally. The important thing is, I slaved over a hot oven for 25-35 minutes.
I also made some little turkey kabobs with a cube of turkey and a cube of cheddar cheese, on a toothpick. I made many many of these. Unfortunately, there is not any evidence left over to take a picture of. I heard cries of "is that real turkey?" "It's turkey!" and "Oishiiiiii!"
The Japanese are so sweet and polite, I think they will always tell me my cooking or treats are good, no matter what.
Today was my first day of teaching without a partner, and it was great fun. This time, I felt like a got to really do things my way and have fun with it. I made a fake thanksgiving table and gave each child a picture that I cut out of a magazine, and asked them to help me put the food onto he table.
For each child, we labelled what they were bringing to the table: all thanksgiving food. It was fun because I tried to make them yell out the name of the food after I told them what it was. I had my stuffed friend Tom the Turkey that I actually got in Duluth.
I explained that Tom is very hard of hearing, and needed the children to please speak loudly.
They can be very intimidated by speaking English out loud, but I have noticed that several of them know quite a few words and phrases and some are familiar with the alphabet. If they loosen up a bit, they can really belt out the words also.
Anyway, time to start thinking about the December classes. I am planning to make some gingerbread houses for the private lesson: "glue" graham crackers together with frosting to make the house. I have scads of candies hidden in the hall closet for this, just for the record. Just for that, not for me to seak bites of.
The boys and I rented a few movies to watch tonight while we snuggle on the couch, to celebrate the end of a long week of school and getting ready for the class. We've got popcorn in the cupboard, and I found a cinnamon apple soy candle at the commissary that smells pretty good. So even though we don't have Daddy home yet, we are going to have a good night together.
You are having so much fun! I am having lots more fun taking second graders through the Postal Museum now that I'm on my own and no longer shadowed by a museum staff member. When you make the graham cracker gingerbread houses, are you going to use frosting to attach the crackers to small milk or half&half cartons? Just call me Nosy Parker.
Wendy! Sooooo cute! You are quite the teacher : ) They must love you there. I would eat your pumpkin bread too. Tomorrow is Petey's annual Thanksgiving dinner at school activity and I am making pumpkin bars...
I love your idea with the ginger bread houses. I myself have a little crack house waiting for us in the cupboard! What's you Turkey day plan???
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